
Iconic Premium Spectaculars

CABA - Obelisco - Pellegrini 421

Pellegrini 421, Buenos Aires, CABA.


Located in Argentina's most iconic area, the Obelisk screen stands at the heart of Buenos Aires. This emblematic monument is the city's epicenter, known for being the gathering place where football fans celebrate their teams' victories and national team wins in world tournaments. With unparalleled visibility and high pedestrian and vehicle traffic, the Obelisk screen offers a unique opportunity to impact a broad and diverse audience.

Key Features:

  • Strategic Location: Positioned at the Obelisk, Buenos Aires' most recognized symbol, ensuring your message is seen by thousands of people daily.
  • Emotional Connection: This spot is a hub for massive celebrations, guaranteeing a strong emotional connection with the audience.
  • High Visibility: Perfectly visible from multiple angles, capturing the attention of both pedestrians and drivers.
  • Intense Traffic: Located at one of the city's busiest intersections, ensuring continuous and high-impact exposure.

Benefits for Your Campaign:

  • Massive Exposure: Ideal for campaigns seeking large-scale reach and high frequency of views.
  • Cultural Impact: Associate your brand with an iconic and beloved landmark, enhancing brand recognition and recall.
  • Versatility: Suitable for a variety of advertising content, from product announcements to awareness campaigns.

With the Obelisk screen, your message will not only be seen but will resonate in the heart of the city, leveraging a space synonymous with celebration, culture, and national pride.

Tech Specs

  • Screen ID: 524
  • Size: 1152 x 960
  • Screen Location: Outdoor




CABA - Obelisco - Pellegrini 421, CABA